On line test:
There were 6 sections:
Section1: Non verbal and reasoning (35 q)
Section2: Verbal(10q)
Section3: Quant(15q)
Section4: English1(10q)
Section5: English2(10q)
Section6: English 3 reading comp(2 passeges)

There were 90 questions to be attempted in 60 min and there was a sectional cut off so time management was very much crucial for every section.
Test was an easy one for 1st 3 sections R.S. Aggarwal is more than sufficient.Most of the questions were from R.S. Aggarwal.
Passeges/ RC were very easy and i was quite sure of my answers in this section and 1st 3 sections.
Section 4,5 included antonyms ,synonyms, fill-ups,finding errors and phrases and out of these 20 questions only 7 or 8 questions were correct.
Since there was no negative marking, so I attempted all questions.
I had given my best this time i was very much relaxed after written exam. After half an hour results were announced. And i was one of the lucky ones who were selected for the next round.
For clearing written exam, i will suggest it is better to leave the time consuming questions even if you can solve them......& to attempt the english section it consumes very little time........
Now there were 2 rounds 1st one was technical interview and then HR.
After 3 hr when my turn came both rounds were combined and now was a single interview round for both technical and HR.

Interview round:
entered my inerview room greeted my interviewee with a smile and was asked 2 have a seat
I ws asked many questions relating 2 my brancch(ECE),puzzles and c language.It took 45 min.
Some of questions were..

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Introduce yourself.
Myself: (abt myself, my parents, my acedemics record, hobbies)

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Tell me something about your project.
Myself: Explained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What was your favourite subject in 10th class?
Myself.  Every subject.

CareerInfoline Word of Advice:  Make sure you answer this only if you are confident about knowledge on these subjects. Interviewer may ask you anything related to any subject you have studied during this time. Better is to tell one which is your favourite one and is more aligned to engineering.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What were the laws given by newton and explain them?
Myself: Answered

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Difference of xy wrt x if y is constant and if variable.
Myself: Solved

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What is the difference b/w diode and transister?
Myself: Explained diode 2 terminal and transister 3 terminal

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What are the applications of diodes?
Myself: Answered

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What is flux?
Myself: I had an idea about it so explained.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What is the difference b/w transducer and transponder?
Myself: Explained transducer but i had no idea about transponder so said sorry for 2nd one.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What are filters and types of filters?
Myself: Exlained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What are synchronous and asynchronous circuits?
Myself: Explained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. What are oscillatorss what are they used for?
Myself: Explained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question: e.g. of an osc that is practicaly used?
Myself: Answered

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question.What are maxwell laws?
Myself: I had no idea so i said sorry sir i dont know much about them but they are used for calculating flux.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Difference b/w 8086 and 8085?
Myself: Explained one is 16 bit and another is 8 bit and told about address lines.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Difference b/w microprocessor and microcontroller?
Myself: Explained 4 diff b/w them.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Define arrays in C
Mysef:  Explained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Define pointers with example.
Mysef:  Explained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Do you know something about software testing?
Myself: I said politely no sir.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Do you know about fibonnaci series?
Mysef:  I said yes and explained the logic behind series.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. A series was given 2 me and i was 2 find out next no.
Mysef:  (sorry dont remember the series) Icould not solve it.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Again I was given a puzzle.
Mysef:  I solved it idea behind it was x^2+y^2=ans

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. If there are n persons in a room and total handshakes are 66 n=?
Mysef:  I said nC2=66
Then he explained in other way if 2 den handshakes=1
3 1+2
4 1+2+3
for n
I said n(n-1)/2=66, he was impressed with my answer.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Where do you see yourself after 5 yrs?
Mysef: I had prepared this question so answered confidently.

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Why do you want 2 join Mahindra Satyam?
Mysef:  Explained

Mahindra Satyam Interview Question. Do you have some location problem like if we send you 2 chennai
Myself: I said no.

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